*Closing date for offers - 12 noon, Thursday 6 February 2014*
The property consists of the Farm steading with a farmhouse, yard and several outbuildings which were formally storage sheds and stables. The farmhouse is a two storey building which runs from North to South which dates back to the late 18th/early 19th century. It consists of 9 rooms and a well laid out rear garden. The outbuildings are former cow byres, stables and storage sheds. The site is enclosed by a substantial ashlar stone wall. The farmhouse is of stone construction with a cement render covering and with cement/stone margins. The roof is covered with Scots slates with stone skews and cast iron gutters and downpipes. The outbuildings are built of rough ashlar stone. The outbuildings are in a derelict condition with no roofs and some of the openings built up with modern brick/block work. The farmhouse itself is a dilapidated state due to water ingress and fire damage and requires a complete renovation if it is to be retained.A gravel access drive leads to the rear of the property from a gateway entrance leading to Old Dalkeith Road. At the gateway entrance to the driveway a tarmac surfaced car park has been created which is used by the owners of the Bridgend Cottages and the Allotment users.
The Edinburgh City Local Plan designates the site as within the green belt and any development or change of use will require to conform with the green belt policies: • where necessary for the purposes of agriculture, woodland and forestry, horticulture or for a countryside recreational use compatible with an agricultural or natural setting, and provided also that any necessary buildings, structures or hard standing areas are ancillary to the main use, small scale and of high design quality • where the proposal is for the change of use or small scale extension of an existing building, particularly a building of architectural or historic merit, provided that any proposed extension or ancillary development would not be detrimental to the character or appearance of the Green Belt • where related to an existing non-conforming use or building in the Green Belt and provided the proposal is appropriate in type, scale and design to the existing building and not detrimental to the character or appearance of the Green Belt. For further guidance contact: Paul Devaney Principal Planner 0131 529 3911 paul.devaney@edinburgh.gov.uk
The property is served with existing water, drainage, gas and electricity.
EPC/ Home Report
Due to the dilapidated state of the property; unsafe viewing; and lack of a functioning heating system, an EPC and Home Report have not been undertaken and are not available.
Council Band
The existing farmhouse property is council tax banding F.
Access to the property is via a gravel driveway which connects to the adopted road via a shared access with the adjacent Bridgend Cottages.
Tram Reservation
The part of the site shaded blue on the attached plan is reserved for future tram works. This area will be included in the site to be sold, however if in the future the Council requires this ground to facilitate the creation of a tram line then the area will be returned to the Council at nil cost. There will be no compensation for the loss of the ground or disturbance.
The property includes current outbuildings which have a historic significance and the possible location of a Royal Chapel. Part of the site requires a full archaeological mitigation strategy to record the upstanding and buried remains. The Farm and associated steading remains are of local archaeological importance and should be retained in principal. Any planning application for the development of the site would be assessed for its archaeological impact both in terms of loss of historic buildings and below ground remains. A small area around the outbuildings as shown on the attached plan will be reserved for an archaeological investigation. This will involve trial pits, etc. The location shown is approximate and may be subject to minor variations on site. For further information contact the: John A Lawson MA MIFA, Archaeology Officer Email address: john.lawson@edinburgh.gov.uk Telephone: 0131 5581040.
Contact/ Viewing
For more information or to arrange a viewing of the premises please contact: Alistair McArthur, Consultant Estates Surveyor 0131 529 5261 alistair.mcarthur@edinburgh.gov.uk or Frances Maddicott 0131 529 5828 frances.maddicott@edinburgh.gov.uk
The property is located on Old Dalkeith Road around 400m south of Cameron Toll. Old Dalkeith Road connects Dalkeith and the city bypass with Edinburgh City Centre. To the north of the entrance to the Steading lies the listed Bridgend Cottages. The site is opposite Inch Park with its tree lined paths, green parkland, copses and woodland borders. The Bridgend Community Allotments adjoins the property. The allotment gardens are made up with parcels of land cultivated by individuals and groups. The Royal Caledonian Horticultural Society has a large demonstration plot on the site. The property was purchased by the Council to form the gateway to the Craigmillar Castle Park. Craigmillar Castle Park is a natural heritage park with areas of mature and young woodland, grassland and old quarries and sits to the east of the property. The park provides an excellent place to walk, cycle or jog on many different paths to explore the different habitats.
*Closing date for offers - 12 noon, Thursday 6 February 2014*
The Council’s aspiration when purchasing this site was for the creation of a gateway to Craigmillar Castle Park. Proposals which meet this aspiration will be welcome. All offers for the property will be subject to the approval of the appropriate Council committee. The Council are required to accept the best offer for the site.The Council are inviting offers for their heritable interest in the property subject to the tram and archaeological reservations as outlined above. These particulars do not form any part of any contract and none of the statements in them regarding the property is to be relied upon as a representation of fact. Any intending purchaser must satisfy themselves by inspecting or otherwise, as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. In accordance with the terms of the Requirements of the Writing (Scotland) Act 1995, these particulars are neither intended to create nor be relied upon as creating any contractual relationship or commitment. Any contract shall only be entered into by way of an exchange of missives between respective solicitors.
The purchaser will be expected to pay the Council’s reasonably incurred legal costs plus Corporate Property costs of 2% of the purchase price.
Offer Guidance
• Offers should include the following: • Headline Price • Schedule of abnormal costs, if abnormal costs are to be deducted from the purchase price the offer should contain a minimum purchase price • Proposed timescale for acquisition / development • Conditions of purchase • Confirmation of funding • Any development / renovation proposals with indicative layout drawings