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Former College Site , Melrose Road, Galashiels, TD1 2AF
not specified / Offices / Non residential Institution
Sold - Last updated: 04 March 2022
Galashiels lies within the Central Borders and is located approximately 34 miles south of Edinburgh connected via the A7 road. This bustling manufacturing town is situated with the Gala Water flowing through its heart. There have been mills in the town since the early 17th century where Galashiels is particularly noted for the manufacture of fine quality of tweeds and woollen goods which are in high demand throughout the world. Galashiels is now linked via rail to Edinburgh. The Borders Railway runs from Tweedbank to Edinburgh Waverley providing a regular service between Galashiels and the Central Belt. The Borders College Campus, Melrose Road, lies approximately 0.5 mile from the railway station in Galashiels.
The development opportunity forms the whole of the grounds of the former Borders College Campus as outlined on the enclosed plan. At present the site is largely unoccupied. There are a range of different buildings on the site.
On the western campus the dominant property in terms of scale is the stone built former Galashiels Academy building which has been subject to extensions and alterations at its eastern extent. Behind this property there is a single storey brick built vocational training building. The former Galashiels Academy Building is not a Listed Building.
The Queens Sports Centre is owned by Scottish Borders Council and does not form part of the disposal. The land to the west of the Queens Sports Centre has been purchased by Borders Sport and Leisure Trust and does not form part of the land for sale.
In the eastern extent of the campus the category “C(s)” Listed building of special architecture and of historic importance is situated, Thorniedean House.
To the south of the structure on the lower level and utilising the levels to provide accommodation are “the technical workshops”.
The surrounding sites are characterised by residential properties with levels rising steeply to the north and which drop steeply to the south. From within the buildings on the campus panoramic views towards the town centre and across the valley can be obtained.
A planning brief for the site was previously approved by Scottish Borders Council in June 2009. Since that time, the planning system and many planning policies have changed. In particular the Local Plan has since been replaced by the Scottish Borders Local Development Plan, Adopted 2016.
The current adopted Local Development Plan, adopted 2016, identifies the site as a ‘Redevelopment Opportunity’. Under policy PMD3 a number of uses are acceptable including residential, employment (although not Class 5 (General Industrial) or Class 6 (Storage and Distribution) or retailing (Class 1 Shops), subject to the sequential test. A residential care home (Class 8 Residential Institutions) may also be acceptable.
Information correct as of September 2017.
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