Large Church and Hall on corner site with ample surrounding grounds included in the sale. The Church is of masonry construction with partially pitched roof. It was built circa 1940, with the hall extension added in 1963. The internal accommodation is spacious and flexible, offering potential for a variety of uses.
The property is located close to Methil Town Centre in an area of mixed residential and commercial property, and fronts Den Walk and Methilhaven Road. There is easy access to local shops and other facilities and good road links to other parts of Fife, Edinburgh and the Central Belt are close by.
Tower Entrance
11.6m2/125sq ft or thereby
Main aisles and side aisles and raised pulpit area 407m2/4,380sq ft or thereby
Choir Room
14m2/152sq ft or thereby
Session Room
21m2/228sq ft or thereby
2 front Porches with toilets off. Ladies room and further
toilet leading from the Choir Room
Sports Hall/Function Room
163m2/1,743sq ft or thereby
Raised Stage area
37.35m2/403sq ft or thereby
18m2/196sq ft or thereby
Side entrance with both Gents and Ladies Toilets
A boiler house is located in the basement area
The property is served by mains electricity, gas and water, and by mains drainage.
There is a full central heating system throughout the building, provided by two Ideal Concorde C230 boilers.
There is ample off street parking to the rear, and to the side of the hall. The total extent of the grounds extends to approximately 0.657 acre, which measurement includes the footprint of the buildings.
The property falls within Class 10 of the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) (Scotland) Order 1997 and in addition to religious use could be used without the necessity for planning consent for change of use as a crèche, day nursery, day centre, educational establishment, for the display of artworks, as a public or exhibition hall, library, reading room or museum.
The property may be suitable for redevelopment, subject to the necessary consents being obtained, and interested parties are invited to discuss their proposals with the Planning Department at Fife Council.
Date of entry
Early entry is available.
Energy Efficiency Rating F+
For an appointment to view please contact the selling agents.
Offers over £XXX are invited and should be submitted in writing to:-
Church of Scotland Law Department
121 George Street
Telephone 0131-240 2263
Fax 0131-240 2246
It is possible that a closing date for offers will be fixed and, to ensure that they receive intimation of this, prospective purchasers must formally intimate their interest in writing or by e-mail with the Law Department.
As offers will require to be considered by one or more Church Committees, they should not be subject to short time limits
for acceptance.
The sellers do not bind themselves to accept the highest or any of the offers received.