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Unit 6, Garnett Close, Watford, WD24 7GN

3,550 Sq Ft / Industrial / General Industrial

For Sale - £825,000.00

To Let - £56,950.00 per annum

Available - Last updated: 05 March 2025


The property comprises a mid-terrace single storey business unit amounting to 3,550 sq ft (330 m²) GIA of north lit roof design. Internally, the property has been fitted out to provide office and showroom, storage and ancillary workshop and can easily be adapted for other uses such as Trade Counter / Showroom / Warehouse.

Key Points

  • Good Loading & Car Parking
  • 3.5m wide X 3m high Loading Door
  • Gas central heating
  • Three phase power
  • Eaves up to 4metres
  • Offices and showroom
  • Male, female and warehouse WC's
  • Fitted staff kitchen
  • Location

    Located in North Watford on the established Greycaine commercial estate, there is easy access to both the M1 (J5) under 1½ miles distant, and the M25 (J’s 19 & 20) approx. 2 miles.

    Nearby North Watford Station provides a connection between Watford Junction (access to Euston in under 20 minutes, the North of England and Gatwick Airport) and St Albans.

    Occupiers on the estate include Booker Cash & Carry, KD Wholesale, Gap Tool Hire, Décor Tiles, Trail Parts and National Tyres.

    Property Quote Price(s)

    DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
      For Sale Freehold £825,000.00 NA
      To Let £56,950.00 per annum

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    Forest Real Estate

    020 3151 9095

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