The premises comprise an existing builder’s yard fronting directly onto Fordmill Road. The site is fenced and surfaced in parts. We understand that there is water and electricity to the site. Drainage to a septic tank.
The yard is situated adjoining the railway bridge on Fordmill Road which is approximately ½ mile south of Catford and approximately 1 mile north west of Bellingham. The surrounding area provides a mix of residential and commercial properties.
Site Area - Approx.: 186 sq m (2,000 sq ft).
Tenure - Freehold with vacant possession
Price - Offers in excess of £260,000 are sought for the freehold interest.
VAT - We understand that VAT is not applicable to the price.
Availability - Subject to completion of legal documentation
Planning - We understand there is no planning history associated with the site. However, the site has been used as a builder yard for over 30 years.
Business Rates - We understand that the site is not currently assessed for rating purposes.