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Athena House, Olympus Business Park, Quedgeley, Gloucester, GL2 4NF
43,089 Sq Ft / Industrial / Warehouse / Distribution
Withdrawn - Last updated: 31 October 2018
The property is detached and of brick and block cavity wall elevations beneath a recently replaced insulated profile steel roof, supported on concrete columns and steel trusses.
Internally the building provides good quality warehouse space with six roller shutter doors to the rear, two of which are fitted with internal scissor ramps. The warehouse has a clear working height of approximately 5.5 metres and includes on open mezzanine storage area and works office.
To the front elevation of the premises is the primary office accommodation, constructed over two levels and incorporating a reception, office space, canteens, kitchens, stores and WCs. The offices have perimeter trunking and suspended ceilings with inset lighting.
The property was originally constructed as three separate units and could potentially be split. The offices have three separate entry points to the front elevation and three separate staircases.
Externally, to the front and side of the property is a brick paved outdoor area and marked parking, with landscaping and entry points from Olympus Park and an estate road.
There is also a separately accessed large rear yard enclosed by a palisade fence.
( Agency Pilot Software Ref: 3123 )
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