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51 Burners Lane South, Kiln Farm, Milton Keynes, MK11 3HA
18,697 Sq Ft / Industrial
Sold - Last updated: 27 August 2014
The unit is situated fronting Burners Lane South, adjacent to the junction with Potters Lane on Kiln Farm, an established and popular employment area of Milton Keynes. Kiln Farm is immediately adjacent to the Abbey Hill Interchange of the A5 dual carriageway whilst Junction 14 of the M1 motorway is approximately 6.5 miles to the east.
The premises are situated on a self-contained site and comprise a modern detached warehouse/production unit of steel frame construction with ancillary two storey offices to the front/side elevation. Internally the warehouse has a minimum eaves height of 5.8m rising to 7.4m at the pitch, and benefits from heating and lighting throughout. The two storey office/ancillary accommodation is well fitted to comprise a full height feature reception area and a mix of cellular and open plan offices.
The premises are accessed directly from Burners Lane South and generous car parking to the front of the building (approximately 30 spaces). Commercial vehicle access is provided to the side of the premises leading to a secure and gated service yard, with loading to the unit provided via 2 dock leve height access loading doors with a covered canopy and concrete loading plinth.
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