The subjects comprise a mid terrace industrial unit, of steel portal frame construction, with painted profile metal cladding and double skin insulated roof
The unit provides clear production space, with small offices and WC/staff facilities to the front. Access to the rear is via 4m high roller shutter door, from the secure yard area.
The premises are provided with all mains services. There is a XXXhase electrical supply, and oil fired space heating units. Artificial lighting is via fluorescent strip fittings, the premises have fire and security alarms installed.
The premises are located within a terrace of similar properties to the front (north) of Macmerry Industrial Estate.
The Estate is within 1 mile of Junction of the A1 (Edinburgh/Newcastle) trunk road. Macmerry is approx. 9 miles east of Edinburgh City Bypass.
From measurements taken on site we estimate the Gross Internal Area to be:
Industrial Unit 527.63sq.ft. (5.680sq.ft.)
Rear Yard Area approx. 850sq.ft. (9.150sq.ft.)