The property comprises a 3 bay steel portal framed workshop with
single storey offices to the front elevation. The elevations are part
pebbledash concrete panels with glazed sections above under
pitched, insulated corrugated asbestos sheet roofs. The offices are
carpeted, heated and lit whilst the workshop areas are lit with
halogen spotlights. There are separate works toilets and a canteen
area with further wc facilities and a kitchen within the offices.
To the front elevation there is a small parking area whilst access
to the workshop is via a single concertina loading door to the
side elevation.
The Property is situated a short distance to the south of Wakefield
City Centre in a predominantly industrial / trade counter area.
The property is bounded by Thornes Lane to the north, Thornes
Lane Wharf to the east which runs parallel with the River Calder
positioned further to the east, and Commercial Street to the west.
Other surrounding occupiers include Wakefield Buildbase, Rex
Crystal Fixings Limited, D & M Machinery, Kingspan Environmental,
Swish Building Products, Wakefield Facia Company and Eurocell.
Ground Workshop 2,211.35 23,803
Ground Offices 428.27 4,610
Total 2,639.62 28,413