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Rear of CMS House, 15-21 Poole Road, Woking, GU21 6DY

2,205 Sq Ft / Industrial / Warehouse

For Sale - £325,000.00

Under Offer - Last updated: 14 March 2025


The property comprises a single storey storage/showroom facility, forming the rear section of the former CMS Carpets building.

The space is currently divided into 3 areas, with the main store having external access via roller shutter door. There is a further pedestrian door access into a lobby area.

Key Points

  • Central Woking location
  • Off-street parking (2 spaces)
  • Roller shutter door
  • Personnel door
  • Max height 2.36m

  • Viewings

    Strictly by appointment via sole agents:-

    Hurst Warne - 01483 723344


    The property fronts Cherry Street close to its junction with Poole Road. The immediate area is primarily industrial units, with retail/office space on Goldsworth Road,together with Morrisons Supermarket and McDonalds.

    Property Quote Price(s)

    DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
      For Sale Freehold £325,000.00 NA

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    Contact agents

    Clare Charrett

    Hurst Warne

    01483 723344

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