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Swordfish Business Park
Solent Airport, Lee-on-the-Solent, PO13 9FU
4,500 to 23,000 Sq Mt / Industrial
Withdrawn - Last updated: 05 October 2020
New aviation and non-aviation business opportunities
Outline Consent B1, B2 and B8 uses - Advanced engineering, aviation and marine An operational airfield Discount of business rates up to 55,000 a year over 5 yearsAn on-site Centre for Advanced Engineering Skills TrainingPlanning
Solent Airport has outline planning consent for employment-based development (B1, B2 and B8). The outline consent will speed up planning for the new business development. A focus is placed on employment land and in particular those businesses that fall under aviation, marine and advanced manufacturing/engineering. Developers will be expected to provide a building in keeping with the airport and business park location.
Site Access Update
Road access into the Enterprise Zone is from the B3385, Broom Way
(Daedalus East Gate) is now completed with the estate road to follow. Further works to Newgate Lane and Broom Way to ease traffic congestion are well under way.
Solent Enterprise Zone Offers:
A discount on business rates of up to £55,000 a year over five years - businesses must locate on the Enterprise Zone before March 2018 to meet eligibility criteria.
Swordfish Business Park
Swordfish Business Park will comprise of two clusters of activity; aviation and non-aviation. Together the two clusters will provide approximately up to 23, 000sqm of floor space. This is the next phase of Solent Airport with serviced plots becoming available by Q4 2017 or earlier if required.
The plots are available to purchase for occupiers to self-build, alternatively the developer can build to suit or a turnkey freehold or leasehold option (subject to lease terms).
Solent Airport, Lee-On-The-Solent, PO13 9FU, Hampshire, , South East
Solent Airport is located between Southampton and Portsmouth, west of Portsmouth Harbour on the South Coast. The Enterprise Zone connects to the motorway network at junction 11 of the M27 and the link road is being upgraded by an 8m improvement scheme. There are excellent connections to Southampton and Portsmouth and to London. Fareham provides a good shopping centre within 4 miles (6.2km) and Gosport's local centre is within 5 miles (7.8km).
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