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3 Regency Mews, Brighton, BN1 2HF
720 Sq Ft / Industrial / General Industrial
Let - Last updated: 02 February 2023
The accommodation comprises the ground floor of a mews property which was previously used for car repairs / spraying and may suit a variety of storage or light industrial uses, subject to any necessary consents. The landlord may replace the entrance doors if required, subject to an enhanced rental.
Situated just off Preston Street in central Brighton, between Western Road and the seafront. There are numerous amenities of the city centre within walking distance, including shops, restaurants, hotels, car parks and public transport.
The accommodation is TO LET for a term to be agreed and rental offers are invited in the region of £10,000 per annum, exclusive, subject to rent reviews at appropriate internals. The tenant will be required to provide details of financial background and security for the landlord’s approval.
Rateable Value - £6,500
EPC - C-72
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