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21 Porte Marsh Road, Calne, SN11 9BW

11,542 Sq Ft / Industrial / General Industrial

To Let - £85,000.00 per annum

Available - Last updated: 07 January 2025

The property comprises a steel portal frame building with brick and insulated profile steel cladding to the elevations.
The industrial element is serviced by a loading door (4.12M wide x 5M high). The eaves height extends to 5.7M and a height to pitch of 6.8M.
A subdivided area provides a workshop with warm gas fired heating.
The office accommodation forms part of the ground floor level, and provides a mixture of well presented sub-divided office space together with welfare accommodation and kitchen facilities.
The offices and ancillary areas have been finished to a high specification. A mezzanine provides an additional storage.
Externally the yard areas are finished with part tarmac and part concrete. Access to the property is provided via a tarmac access road and secure steel gates from Porte Marsh Road.

Located on the established and popular Porte Marsh Industrial Estate with good road links.
Junction 17 of the M4 motorway is approximately 10.5 miles distant and Swindon, the principal regional employment centre c.15.5 miles to the east.

Popular Well Established Industrial Estate

Eaves Height 5.7m Height to pitch 6.88M

Good turning and circulation space

High quality office and welfare areas

The most recent use of the building was for engineering, storage with ancillary offices. Prospective occupiers should satisfy themselves in terms of their intended use.
Local Planning Authority Wiltshire Council
Email: developmentmanagement@wiltshire.gov.uk
Phone: 0300 456 0114

Energy rating of B

( Agency Pilot Software ref: 20015976 )

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
  To Let £85,000.00 per annum

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Ed Cawse

Carter Jonas LLP

0117 369 1395

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