The unit is to be fully refurbished, including a new roof.
Unit E is mid-terrace and comprises a steel portal frame with block-work elevations underneath a pitched, insulated steel clad roof.
Unit E offers potential for a secure gated yard for loading with designated car parking.
Access is via three roller shutter doors measuring approx. 5.00m high by 3.05m wide and separate pedestrian access leading into the office accommodation.
The warehouse provides an eaves height of 5.75m situated beneath a pitched roof incorporating 10% natural roof lighting.
The office accommodation to the front is configured to provide ground and first floor offices with associated welfare.
The unit benefits from all mains services.
Ashville Trading Estate is located on The Runnings on the established Kingsditch Trading Estate which is situated on the north west edge of Cheltenham.
The location has strong communication links, to the north west via the A4019 connecting to J10 M5 and to the south west via the A40 connecting to J11 M5 and Gloucester.
Warehouse - 8,843 sq ft (821.5 sq m)
GF & FF Offices - 2,039 sq ft (189.5 sq m)
Total GIA - 10,882 sq ft (1,011 sq m)
RATEABLE VALUE - The current rateable value listed as “workshop and premises” is £65,000.
PLANNING - We understand the premises are suitable for Use Classes B2 and B8.
EPC - Commissioned and to be provided.
TERMS - The units are available to let on a full repairing and insuring lease.
RENT - £9.50 per sq ft
VAT - All figures are exclusive of VAT.
LEGAL COSTS - Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs.
ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING - The successful lessee will be required to provide the usual information to satisfy the AML requirements when Heads of Terms are agreed.
- Fully refurbished inc. new roof
- Fitted office accommodation
- Excellent links to J10 and J11 of the M5
- Three electric loading doors
- Three phase power