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Langley Park, Chippenham, SN15 1GE

209,762 Sq Ft / Industrial / Distribution

To Let

Available - Last updated: 22 January 2025


The property is configured as a series of interconnected bay-style warehouses, being of steel portal frame construction. The roof has been over-clad in 2018 along with works to the external cladding. Full eaves height, where available, is c. 8m. Loading is provided via a series of level access loading doors onto a small loading yard, with parking to the side and front elevations, as well as demised spaces in the middle plateau of the wider site.

Key Points

  • Close to J17 of the M4
  • Generous Parking Provisions
  • Excellent Local Amenity
  • Location

    The property is situated in Chippenham, a town which is strategically placed on the M4 motorway, providing connections to the east and west. The property is close to junction 17 of the M4 with access being provided via the new Kilverts Way link road.

    Property Quote Price(s)

    DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
    POA To Let NA NA

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    Sophie Parsons


    0117 369 0139

    Chris Yates


    0117 369 0155

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