The subjects comprise a steel portal frame workshop type building with brick block walls and corrugated sheet panels. The roof is dual-pitched, with incorporated translucent panels. Access is provided through a single vehicular-width sliding door.
Internally the subjects provide open accommodation that may suit a number of different occupiers. There is a toilet situated within the unit, with space for a small kitchen area. The yard is accessed through a double-leaf steel gate, from which there is direct access to the unit. The yard is approximately 200sq m
Cupar is a busy and attractive market town in the northeast of Fife, lying approximately 10 miles west of St. Andrews and 20 miles south of Dundee. The town has a population in the region of 8,500 persons and benefits from a main line train station.
The subjects are located on Carslogie road, with vehicular access to the rear from Hill Crescent. The subjects are positioned within the immediate vicinity of the A91. Surrounding occupiers include JBW Smith, Cupar Motorcycles and a Co-op supermarket.
In accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Practice (2nd Edition) we have calculated the Gross Area to be as follows:-
337.16 sq m (3,629 sq ft)
RATEABLE VALUE - The subjects are not entered in the Valuation Roll and will be assessed upon occupation. The unified business rate for the year 2018/19 is XXX exclusive of water and sewerage rates. The occupiers of the premises may qualify for 100% exemption from the business rates in terms of the Small Business Bonus Scheme. We recommend that interested parties make enquiries with the assessor in this regard.
LEASE TERMS - The subjects are available on standard commercial terms for a term to be agreed.
Rental offers in excess of £8,000 pa will be considered.
VAT - For the avoidance of doubt all figures quoted are exclusive of VAT unless otherwise stated and any prospective tenant should satisfy themselves independently as to the incidence of VAT involved in this transaction.
- Extends To 337 sq m (3,629 sq ft)
- Benefits From Secure Yard.
- Private Entrance With Nearby Access To A91.