Part Biffa Site, Low Mill Lane, Dewsbury, WF13 3LX
4,491 Sq Ft / Industrial / Warehouse
To Let
- £33,700.00
per annum
Available - Last updated: 21 March 2025
The property forms part of the Biffa site and offers 2 warehouse / manufacturing facilities of 2,237 sq ft and 2,254 sq ft.
Key Points
Unit 1 - 2,237 sq ft (208 sq m)Unit 2 - 2,254 sq ft (209 sq m)5.3m haunch height5.9m eaves heightSteel portal frame construction with brick/block at low level and cladding above4 ground level access doors (2 per bay)LED lighting3 phase electricitySmall office at mezzanine level
To arrange a viewing, please contact:-
Rob Oliver 07769 643325 / 0113 280 8034
Harrison Saville 07904 317428 / 0113 280 8062
Business Rates
We note from the VOA website that the overall site has a Rateable Value of £104,000 effective from 1st April 2023. Either these units will be separately assessed, or we will agree a pro-rata figure.
Legal Costs
Each party is to pay their own legal and other costs associated with a lease transaction.
The site is located at the end of a private estate road, off the Low Mill Lane Industrial Estate, with the subject units at the front entrance of the site. Low Mill Lane Industrial Estate is located to the north of Dewsbury. The A653 is 0.8 miles to the south and provides a key link to Junction 40 of the M1 motorway, which is approximately 5 miles away. The A644 and the A62 provide access west to Huddersfield and the M62 at Junction 25.Terms
The units are available by way of a new full repairing and insuring sublease for a term expiring in 2030, at a quoting rent of £33,700 pa, plus VAT, payable quarterly in advance. The sublease will include rent review provisions in line with the head lease, and will be excluded from the security of tenure provisions of the 1954 Landlord and Tenant Act. Consideration will be given to the leasing of the two units separately. Subject to Contract.
Property Quote Price(s)
Description | Sale type | Guide price | Price type |
To Let
| per annum |
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