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Industrial / Warehouse Unit, Riverside Park, Wright Avenue, Dundee, DD2 1UR

45,962 Sq Ft / Industrial / Warehouse

To Let

Available - Last updated: 03 February 2025

The subjects premises comprise a good quality semi detached open plan warehouse with associated car park and yard. The premises internally are of steel portal frame construction under a pitched roof, with insulated profile sheeting. Internally the premises are arranged to provide an open plan warehouse with a concrete floor with a maximum eaves height of 8.0m.

Furthermore, the premises benefit from 7x commercial vehicle doors, multiple pedestrian access doors and dock level to the southern elevation of the building.

Externally the building enjoys a designated yard and loading area, there is the ability to create further yard space to the northern elevation as well as further overspill parking available by separate negotiation.
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 52352 )


Dundee is Scotland’s fourth largest city with an estimated population of 145,000 and a catchment population in the region of 515,000. The city is the regional centre for commerce, retailing and employment within Tayside and is located on the east coast of Scotland with 90% of the country’s population within 90 minutes’ drive time. More precisely, the subjects are located in Wright Avenue circa 3 miles west of Dundee city centre. Wright Avenue is accessed directly off Riverside Drive/A85 which is one of the main traffic thoroughfares leading to Dundee city centre. The industrial parks location allows for easy access to Dundee’s outer ring road/ Kingsway which links into Scotland’s main motorway network via the A90/M90.


4,270 SQ M (45,962 SQ.FT)


RATEABLE VALUE The subjects have a Net and Rateable Value of £141,000. The unified business rate for the year 2023/2024 is 52.4p exclusive of water and sewerage rates.

LEGAL COSTS Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in this transaction. In the normal manner, the ingoing tenant will be liable for any LBTT, registration dues and VAT thereon.

VAT All rents are quoted exclusive of VAT.

EPC Available on request.

TERMS The subjects are available To Let. Further information in this regard is available from the joint letting agent



Property Quote Price(s)

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  To Let NA NA

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Andrew Dandie

Graham + Sibbald

01382 604049

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