The property comprises a single storey end terraced workshop/storage unit. There is a surfaced common forecourt providing vehicular access at the front of the property. Vehicular entry to the Unit is by a roller shutter door and pedestrian only access is through the single entrance door. The accommodation comprises; main workshop, W.C., and kitchenette.
Please note that there is a general presumption against sports, leisure, and animal grooming uses in the Council’s industrial buildings.
Located within the Chanonry Industrial Estate.
Extending to approximately 110m² (1,184.030ft²) measured on a Gross Internal Area basis.
Rent - Offers over £10,500 per annum (plus VAT), payable monthly in advance, will be considered.
Lease Terms - The property is offered on the following main terms:-
Lease period - from one month to 5 years, although longer leases may be considered.
Rent - to be paid monthly in advance by Direct Debit and to be reviewed every 3 years
Repairs/Maintenance – the tenant will accept the property in its current condition and will maintain it in that condition.
Buildings Insurance - the Council will arrange insurance for the property and recover the cost of the insurance from the tenant.
Fees - the Council's reasonable legal expenses in a lease will be recovered from the tenant.
Permitted uses - will be limited to uses within Use Classes 5 and 6 (refer to the Planning section below for more details) including light industrial, storage, distribution, workshop etc.
Tenant/s may be permitted to install ancillary offices at their own expense.
Common Areas - the Council will maintain any common areas and services including access and street lighting.
Non Domestic Rates (NDR) - The property is currently entered in the Valuation Roll for the current year, effective from 1 April 2023, with a Rateable Value of £8,000.
Energy Performance Certificate - The premises are unheated and therefore an Energy Performance Certificate is not provided.
Planning and Building Standards - The property has planning consent for general industrial, storage and distribution uses as defined in Classes 5 and 6 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes (Scotland) Order 1997. Any use out with these may be permitted subject to the tenant being responsible for obtaining any necessary statutory consents for their proposed use.