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RP9, Radius Park, Feltham, TW14 0NG

27,043 Sq Ft / Industrial / Distribution

To Let

Available - Last updated: 03 March 2025


Radius Park is one of Heathrow’s prime industrial / warehouse estates to the South of Heathrow airport, fronting Faggs Road with key transport links to the south east of Heathrow Airport including the M25 (J13 and 14), the M4 (J4 via the A312), A30 Great South West Road providing easy access to the Cargo Terminal.
The estate is within easy walking distance to Hatton Cross underground providing a key transport node for staff via the Piccadilly Line.

Radius Park extends to 16 acres providing 9 units totalling 235,000 sq ft (21,832 sq m).
Set within a secure corporate environment the property is positioned for air-cargo related operators to compete in a global marketplace.

AIPUT has upgraded and invested in the park including improving the access, streetscape and on-site amenity (café and security hut). Established occupiers on Radius Park include Gate Gourmet, Brinks, ASC Cargo, CCL and ECMS Express.

Key Points

  • 7.25m eaves height
  • 5 level loading doors
  • Detached unit with secure yard
  • 42 car parking spaces

  • Travel Times

    Hatton Cross Transport Interchange - 0.2 miles
    Heathrow Maintenance Base and Hanger Zone - 2.5 miles
    Control Post 21 - 1.4 miles
    Control Post 24 - 2.6 miles
    Cargo Terminal - 2.0 miles
    M4 (J3) - 0.5 miles
    M25 (J14) - 4.5 miles


    RP9 is a detached 27,043 sq ft HQ industrial / warehouse unit with Grade A first floor offices and ancillary welfare accommodation at ground floor. The unit benefits from a secure, self-contained yard and 5 level loading doors in a prime Heathrow location.

    The unit is to be extensively refurbished throughout with a target completion date of Summer 2025.

    Property Quote Price(s)

    DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
    POA To Let NA NA

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    Sarah Downes


    01895 770246

    Annie Smith


    020 3369 2423

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