The property comprises a single storey purpose built workshop with office erected approximately 20 years ago. The walls are of facing brickwork and the subjects have a solid concrete floor. The building is accessed via a full height roller shutter doorway and a small office and staff toilets are included.
The workshop is situated on the east side of Nisbet Street, immediately to the south of East Wellington Street and a short distance to the east of The Forge Shopping Centre at Parkhead. The property is conveniently situated within Parkhead immediately to the east of Duke Street and to the south of Parkhead Cross. Immediately surrounding occupiers include the Parkhead NHS Centre, JGJ Group, Simply Décor and JBM Carpets.
The property comprises a workshop/store largely open plan with approximately 4.5m headroom. Access to the unit is via a shared level yard area.
Floor Areas
The total internal floor area amounts to 1,470ft2/136.6m2
Offers in the region of £7,500 per annum are invited.
Lease Terms
The property is offered on a normal full repairing and insuring lease, for a negotiable term, incorporating 5 yearly reviews.
Rateable Value
Currently being assessed.
Energy Performance Certificate
A copy of the EPC will be provided upon application.
Legal Costs
Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs and outlays including VAT incurred.
All prices, rents, premiums etc. are quoted exclusive of VAT. Interested parties must satisfy themselves as to the instance of VAT in respect of any transaction.
Date of Entry
By arrangement.