The property comprises a mid-terrace industrial / warehouse unit with a small office and toilet block to the rear. The minimum working height of the unit is c. 5.63 metres. There is a roller shutter door to the front providing loading access. There is car parking and a yard to the front. The unit is undergoing a substantial refurbishment and will be completed ready for an occupant.
The unit is located in a prominent position within the established Ikon Trading Estate. The estate is accessed from the A442 Droitwich Road. The A442 connects with the A38 Bromsgrove Road which provides access to the national motorway network via Junction 5 of the M5 motorway which is circa 8 miles distant.
Kidderminster town centre is situated c.4 miles to the north via the A449 Worcester Road.
GIA - 8,177 sq ft (759.67 sq m)
Terms - Available by way of a new FRI lease with a term and rent review pattern to be agreed.
Rent - To let - £49,000 pax.
Rating Assessment - Rateable value - £41,000
U.B.R.: 49.9p in the £ (2024/2025)
Fixtures, Fittings & Services - We have not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings or services. We therefore cannot verify they are in working order or fit for their purpose.
Energy Performance Certificate - EPC rating – E114.
Certificate Available Upon Request
VAT - V.A.T. is payable on the rent.
- Industrial unit undergoing refurbishment
- 3 Phase power supply
- Situated in a prominent position within the busy Ikon Trading Estate