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Unit 1, Sharston Point, Manchester, M22 4TE

14,162 Sq Ft / Industrial / General Industrial

To Let

Available - Last updated: 10 March 2025


The property comprises a modern semi-detached unit of steel portal frame construction incorporating part brick, part blockwork walls at lower level with insulated profile metal cladding above, together with an insulated profile metal roof incorporating translucent roof lights.

Internally the accommodation provides the main open plan warehouse area with a range of private and open plan offices and male and female WC’s.
The warehouse area benefits from the provision of modern LED lighting, heating via 2 gas fired blower units together with access to two electrically operated roller shutter doors being approximately 4.2m wide by 5m high.

The approximate eaves height of the warehouse is 9.4m rising to approximately 11m at the apex.

Key Points

  • Excellent Motorway Access
  • Prominent Location
  • Large Yard
  • Good Parking
  • 2 Level Access Doors
  • New key point...
  • 9.4 Metre Eaves
  • Location

    Prominent position at the junction of Bradnor Road and Sharston Road, in the popular Sharston Industrial Estate.

    Sharston Road provides direct access to Junction 2 of the M56 motorway, with access to the M60 also within 1 mile.

    The unit is situated in close proximity to both Stockport Town Centre and Manchester Airport. Manchester City Centre is approximately 7 miles to the North.

    Property Quote Price(s)

    DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
    POA To Let NA NA

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    Jack Rodgers

    Avison Young

    020 3151 0265

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