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Unit E2, Victoria Trading Estate, Drury Lane, Oldham, OL9 7RJ
4,750 Sq Ft / Industrial / Trade Park
Withdrawn - Last updated: 11 March 2019
Trade Counter / Warehouse Unit TO LET
Victoria Trading Estate is prominently located fronting Manchester Road (A62) and comprises a self contained industrial estate, providing 9 units ranging from 2,311 sq ft to 16,122 sq ft. It is located approximately 2 miles south east of Oldham Town Centre, 5 miles north east of Manchester City Centre and approximately 1/4 mile from Junction 22 of the M60 Orbital motorway. The estate has entrances from both Drury Lane and Bowling Street, both of which are accessed off Manchester Road (A62). Oldham is located approximately 7 miles north west of Manchester City Centre and lies adjacent to Junctions 21 and 22 of the M60 Manchester Outer Ring Road and has a direct link to the M62 (4 miles to the north of Oldham), via the A627(M). The A62 provides easy access direct to Manchester City Centre.
Unit E2 4,750 sq ft
The new build units will be available to let on an FRI agreement. The refurbished units are available to let on an internal repairing basis by way of a standard flexible agreement. Copies of the agreements can be made available upon request.
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