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INDUSTRIAL UNIT AVAILABLE TO LET, 47 Back Sneddon Street, Paisley, PA3 2DD
2,300 Sq Ft / Industrial / General Industrial
Withdrawn - Last updated: 28 January 2025
The subjects comprise a mid terrace single storey workshop / store which originally formed part of a larger property which has subsequently subdivided into a number of units all having a communal rear fire escape arrangement.
Walls are generally brick rendered and painted on the frontage to Back Sneddon Street.
The roof is pitched boarded and slated in one bay and access to the premises is by way of steel roller shutter door fronting Back Sneddon Street leading to a small garaging area which in turn has a ramp up to the main level of the workshop.
Internally floors are concrete throughout with walls having been tiled in part and generally painted. Suspended ceiling tiling has been installed incorporating new fluorescent lighting. Office and toilet facilities have been created.
The clear height of the door opening to Back Sneddon Street is approximately 3 metres.
Subjects are situated on the west side of Back Sneddon Street between its junctions with Wallace Street and Blacklaw Lane a short distance north of Paisley Town Centre. Surrounding properties are principally industrial however a substantial Royal Bank of Scotland premises is located at the south end of the street which is a cul-de-sac at this point.
Good public transport links are available in the location with Gilmour Street railway station being within walking distance to the south.
Key Features
Easy access to J28 & J29 of the M8 motorway
Edge of Paisley Town Centre, Gilmour Street train station 0.3 miles
Rates Free (subject to eligibility for the Small Business Bonus Scheme)
EPC Rating
EPC certificate available upon request.
Available at an annual rental of £10,750 per annum.
Legal Costs
Each party to bear their own legal costs.
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