The Midland Trading Estate is situated off the A426 Leicester Road on the northern outskirts of Rugby, approximately 1.5 miles south of junction 1 of the M6 and 4 miles west of junction 9 of the M1.
The property forms part of the Swift Valley Industrial area, now Rugby’s largest employment area.
Comprising of an end of terrace steel portal framed building with brick and blockwork lower elevations and glazed panels above. The roof is covered with a profile steel sheet cladding incorporating translucent light panels. The warehouse is accessed via a roller shutter door, and benefits from high bay lighting throughout.
Office accommodation with WCs and a kitchen area can be found to the front of the property.
Externally the unit has a concrete forecourt loading area, and excellent parking facilities in the common area car park adjacent to the property.
Metered 3 phase electricity, water and drainage are connected to the property.
The agent has not tested any apparatus, equipment, fixtures, fittings, or services and so cannot verify they are in working order or fit for their purpose. The applicant is advised to obtain verification from their solicitor or surveyor.
The property is available by way of new FRI type lease for a term of years to be agreed between the parties.