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Unit C (West), Hamilton Business Park, Hedge End, Southampton, SO30 2JR
38,950 Sq Ft / Industrial
Withdrawn - Last updated: 05 January 2021
Summary Modern Industrial/Warehouse Unit with Excellent Access to M27
Location Hamilton Business Park is conveniently located within 0.5 miles of J7 of the M27. Hedge End is a well established industrial and trade counter location. Current occupiers on Hamilton Business Park include Tileflair, Screwfix, Toolstation, Truvox, DPD and Magnet. The estate is close to Hedge End Retail Park which includes occupiers such as Sainsburys and Marks & Spencer.
Description Unit C comprises a high quality semi-detached clear span warehouse and office building, of steel portal frame with brick and profile clad elevations with two full height, glazed reception entrances, on a self contained site.There is a large secure concrete yard to the rear of the property and separate brick paved office parking to the front.Specification Adjacent to J7 M27 Clear Span Warehouse 8.2m eaves 4 electric loading doors 31m depth secure rear loading yard 5 person lift Air conditioned/comfort cooled 1st floor offices VAT All prices, premiums and rents, etc are quoted exclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate.Lease The property is available by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be agreed.Business Rates Rateable Value: 231,000Source -
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