The property comprises a second hand car dealership & servicing centre with forecourt, 4x workshops, ancillary offices & stores, residential flat and extensive parking.
The site has an area of approximately 0.241 of a hectare (0.5 acres) with superb access onto Dominion Road. The existing buildings extend to approx. 5,391 Sq Ft (500 Sq M) and comprise of an excellently presented office building with carpet tiled flooring, strip lighting, ample electrical sockets, burglar alarm and a double glazed window frontage. Adjacent to the offices is a standalone industrial unit used for valeting purposes with concrete floor, LED lighting, roller shutter door and separate pedestrian access. to the rear of the office building are a series of further interconnecting light industrial workshops follow which have been utilised for both car servicing, repairs, valeting and MOT purposes. Access for vehicles to each unit is via a roller shutter door. The workshops benefit from three phase electricity and are fitted with all the necessary equipment required for valid servicing and MOTs. Externally there is a separate office building which currently is vacant but could provide office accommodation for 2/3 people. Above the offices is a refurbished one bedroom residential flat comprising of kitchen, bathroom, lounge and bedroom. There is also storage and staff facilities at first floor level for staff of the garage.
Externally there is a large forecourt / parking area which is level throughout and provides approx. 40 car parking spaces with direct access onto Dominion Road.
This extensive car dealership site is located on the B2223 Dominion Road which links via Sompting Road to the main A27 road to the north and the A259 coastal road to the South. Worthing town centre with its array of retail outlets, restaurants and bars is located approx. 1 mile to the south. East Worthing railway station with its regular services along the coast and north towards London is located less than a mile from the property. The B2223 is a busy thoroughfare with regular bus services passing through. Worthing is a popular seaside town with a population in excess of 105,000. Other occupiers within the local vicinity include a fish & chip shop, Tesco Express, hair salon, convenience store and a host of takeaways.
The property has the following approximate floor areas:
Prep Warehouse - 908 sq ft
MOT & Servicing Centre - 1,930 sq ft
Detailing - 641 sq ft
Valeting - 550 sq ft
Staff Facilities - 246 sq ft
Residential Flat - 459 sq ft
Offices - 490 sq ft
Reception - 167 sq ft
Total Area - 5,391 sq ft
* Please note there is potential for a ground floor retail premises within Dominion Buildings (adjoining the site) to be included by way of separate negotiation. This would increase the overall area by 432 Sq Ft
Terms - The property is available by way of a new FR&I Lease with terms to be negotiated and agreed.
Rent & VAT - £75,000 Per Annum Exclusive
VAT is not to be charged on the quoting terms
Premium - £175,000 (One Hundred & Seventy Five Thousand Pounds) for the fixtures, fittings and goodwill of the existing car business. Stock at valuation. Further details available upon request.
Planning - The property is in an area administered by Adur & Worthing Councils and we are informed that the property currently has Sui Generis use. Interested parties are to make their own planning enquiries with the local authority.
Business Rates - According to the VOA (Valuation Office Agency) the units have the following rateable values:
91 Dominion Road: £20,000
Unit 1 & 2: £8,300
Unit 3: £3,650
Unit 4: £4,150
Unit 5: £4,150
Unit 6: £4,150
Interested parties are asked to make their own enquiries to Adur & Worthing Councils regarding the above information.
Legal Costs - Each party to pay their own legal costs.