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Stoneywood House Stoneywood, Dyce, Aberdeen, AB21 9AB

11,192 Sq Ft / Offices / Land/Development

For Sale

Available - Last updated: 05 March 2025

Stoneywood House in a stunning Grade B listed property built in 1850 surrounded by landscaped grounds. The property comprises a granite stone main building with pitched slate roof over four storeys constructed in a Scottish Baronial style. The property also benefits from excellent views over the River Don. Stoneywood House's prime location provides an attractive balance between countryside tranquillity and city connectivity being only a short distance from the A90, Aberdeen International Airport and Dyce Station.

Internally, the building has been sympathetically modernised with many original features retained.

Planning -
A planning application has been submitted for Change of use to form 5 residential apartments, erection of single storey side extension and the erection of 8 dwelling houses with associated access, landscaping and works.

Property Quote Price(s)

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  For Sale NA NA

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Mark Mcqueen

Shepherd Commercial

01224 516064

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