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20 Whitehall Street, Dundee, DD1 4AF
778 Sq Ft / Offices
Withdrawn - Last updated: 27 January 2015
The subjects comprise a second floor office in a four storey stone constructed mid-terraced building. The subjects are accessed directly from Whitehall Street via a common stairwell.
Internally the subjects offer an attractive vestibule and entrance hall, which leads to the flexible office accommodation. There are two large offices, with original wood finish, a large storage/document room, separate WC facilities and a kitchen area within a large glazed reception area. The subjects may suit a variety of different users. All enquirers should be made to the local planning authority.
Dundee is Scotland’s fourth largest city with an estimated population in the region of 145,000 and a catchment population in the region of 515,000. The city is the regional centre for commerce, retailing and employment within Tayside and is located on the east coast of Scotland with 90% of the country’s population within 90 minutes drive time.
The subjects are located close to the junction of Whitehall Street and Whitehall Crescent, close to the prime commercial pitch situated at the heart of Dundee City Centre. Surrounding occupiers are a mixture of national and local retailers at ground floor level, including William Hill, Tiso and Fisher and Donaldson while the upper floors are dominated by offices or residential users.
Office 72.29 sq. m (778 sq. ft)
WC 1.96 sq. m (21 sq. ft)
Our client is seeking offers above £50,000 for their feuhold interest in the subjects. All figures are quoted exclusive of VAT, however our client reserves the right to charge VAT if applicable.
- EXTENDS TO 72.29 SQ. M. (778 SQ. FT.)
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