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36-38 Friars Walk, Lewes, BN7 2PB

28,160 Sq Ft / Offices

For Sale

Available - Last updated: 14 August 2024

The building is a purpose-built office originally constructed in 1990 as the headquarters of the Southdown Building Society. The building is arranged over 3 floors in a L shaped block with the main wing fronting the public highway. The building is of steel frame under a tile covered pitched roof with brick elevations. Windows are double glazed, set in powder coated aluminum frames.

Internally the specification is typically plastered and decorated walls, acoustic tiled suspended ceilings and solid floors with carpet tile coverings. The accommodation is centrally heated, with comfort cooling to the ground floor only. Lighting is by way of recessed fluorescent strips and power and IT distribution via a mix of perimeter, pillar and floor trunking

There are male and female wc's and kitchen facilities on each floor.

The property has a single main staircase off the reception area and an 8 person passenger lift

There are a total of 64 car parking spaces arranged in the undercroft area and rear surface car parking which is accessed from either a carriage entrance from Friars Walk beneath the adjacent building or the access road running to the side of the property.

The property is situated within a Conservation Area and is over 1500 sq m and therefore Prior Approval is not a planning option that can be followed. The adjacent property has been converted to mixed use which includes residential use and there has been residential development undertaken immediately to the rear of the property. Purchasers are advised to make their own enquiries of the local Planning Authority, Lewes District Council, 01273 471600.
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 51208 )

Property Quote Price(s)

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  For Sale Freehold NA NA

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Jill Howells

Graham + Sibbald

020 3151 0373

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