The subjects are located within the Bridgend Business Park in Dingwall. Bridgend Business Park is situated on the A834 trunk road providing good road links to Ullapool. Further road links include the A9 trunk road which stretches as far North as Thurso.
Surrounding occupiers are a mixture of professional businesses and charities and include airsource1, MacKay & Co Accountants and Payroll Services and Strath Civil Engineering.
The subjects comprise a ground floor office unit of modern rendered block construction beneath a pitched roof. Internally the space has been recently renovated and comprises of an open plan office area and private WC facilities. The meeting room shown on this schedule is also available for use by any prospective tenant with a booking system being in place for shared usage with airsource1.
The Property additionally benefits from being extremely energy efficient with the heating, via underfloor heating, and hot water both being provided by renewable energy source.
The subjects are suitable for a wide variety of office occupiers looking for an affordable space in a popular business location within Dingwall.
The subjects have been measured in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Practice on a Net Internal Area basis to give the following accommodation:
Office, WC 123 sq ft (11.5 sq m)
The property is connected to mains water, drainage and electricity.
The subjects require to be reassessed.
A new lease is offered on Full Repairing and Insuring Terms at a rental of £2,400 per annum inclusive of electricity and water.
Entry to be mutually agreed.