The property comprises a traditional office building with attractive features and generous parking which has been tastefully modernised and updated internally to provide a good level of accommodation and fit-out.
( Agency Pilot Software ref: 53103 )
The market town of Dingwall is approximately 14 miles north west of Inverness and is the main centre for the Ross and Cromarty area. Dingwall has good road, bus and rail connections. The offices are situated on Greenhill Street which is a main road entering the town close to the High Street.
Net Internal Area: 309.70 Sq.m / 3,334 Sq.ft or thereby (278.28Sq.m / 2995Sq.ft excluding sub tenant areas)
SERVICES We understand that the property is connected to mains water and electricity, whilst drainage is to the main sewer. Heating within the unit is understood to be gas fired. It is set up as one single system.
RATEABLE VALUE The Rateable Value of the subjects at the time of printing is £27,000.
LEASE TERMS The property is offered for lease on lnternal Repairing and Insuring basis, for a preferred term of five years.
RENTAL Available on application.
VAT All figures quoted are net of VAT.
LEGAL COSTS It should be noted that each party shall bear their own legal costs.
• Situated on main road with good access
• Suitable for various office uses including charitable groups
• IRI Lease terms