High quality office accommodation in prominent, town centre location, adjacent to large car park. Also considered potentially suitable for retail use.
Ground floor office accommodation extensively refurbished to a very high standard.
Although there is no dedicated parking it is located very close to a large public car park.
Suspended ceilings, predominantly LED lighting, gas central heating, air conditioning, CCTV.
Disability Discrimination Act compliant.
Prominent town centre location.
Accommodation comprises offices, meeting rooms, canteen/staff room and toilets, extending to approximately 168 sq m (1,808 sq ft), Gross Internal Area and 136 sq m (1,464 sq ft) Net Internal Area.
Lease Terms
The property is offered on the following main terms:-
Lease period - from one month to 5 years, although longer leases may be considered.
Rent - to be paid monthly in advance and to be reviewed every 3 years.
Rental offers over £19,750 per annum are invited.
Repairs/Maintenance - the tenant will accept the property in its current condition and will be responsible for internal repairs and maintenance. The Council will maintain and repair the external parts and any shared services.
Buildings Insurance - the Council will arrange insurance for the property and recover the cost of that insurance from the tenant.
Fees - the Council's reasonable legal expenses for a lease will be recovered from the tenant.
Permitted uses - will be limited to uses within Use Classes 4 although changes of use to Classes 1, 2 or 3 may be considered - see the Planning Section below for more details.
Utilities - gas, electricity and water supplies are shared with the other parts of the larger property – occupied by the Council’s Registrars and the Grampian Joint Valuation Board. The electricity recharge is assessed with reference to sub meters, whilst the gas and water is recharged on the basis of 25% of the totals for the combined spaces.
Non Domestic Rates (NDR) - The property is currently entered in the Valuation Roll, effective from 1 April 2023, at a Rateable Value of £16,750.
Energy Performance Certificate - An Energy Performance Certificate is being obtained for the property and a copy of the Certificate and the Recommendation Report will be made available.
Planning and Building Standards - The property has planning consent for office/business uses as defined in class 4 of the Town and Country Planning Use Classes (Scotland) Order 1997. Any use out with this may be permitted subject to the tenant being responsible for obtaining any necessary statutory consents for their proposed use.