Prominent Unit
Double Frontage
Rates Free
1,361sq ft
Class 2 Consent
Rent: o/o £15,XXX.a
The property is situated on the west side of Maryhill Road, at its junction with Clarendon Place within the Woodside area of Glasgow. Woodside sits close to George’s Cross and Woodlands. The area is characterised with dense residential flatted dwellings within traditional tenements along with a mixture of leisure and retailing operations in close proximity.
The area is well served by public transport with bus stops linking Glasgow city centre, Bearsden, Possil, Clydebank and the east end. Neighbouring occupiers include And So To Bed, Post Office, Bethany Trust
The property comprises a prominent double frontage commercial space within a larger 4 storey tenemental building surmounted by a pitched roof.
The property offers a double frontage display secured by dual aluminium roller shutters. Internally the property is presented in the former occupiers layout with multiple partitions erected to form individual offices and meeting rooms with w.c facilities and tea prep.
Lighting is provided by way of fluorescent strip panels recessed within the suspended acoustic tile ceiling, with floors overlaid in commercial carpet.
The property has been calculated to extend to the following internal area;
126.45sqm (1,361sq ft)
The property has been revalued and will be entered onto the valuation roll with a new rv effective from 01/04/23 of £11,200
We understand the property will benefit from rates exemption under the small business bonus scheme
The property is available on a new full repairing and insuring head lease for a negotiable term for offers over £15,XXX.a
We understand the property has not been elected for V.A.T.
Available on request
Each party shall bear their own legal costs incurred in the transaction
Anti-Money Laundering
In order to comply with anti-money laundering legislation, the successful purchaser / tenant will be required to provide certain identification documents. The required documents will be confirmed to and requested at the relevant time.