Second floor office suite, consisting of two ofices and a meeting room / reception area.
The property is located in Glasgow City Centre and has the advantage of being in close proximity to the M8 Motorway which affords access to the Central Scotland Motorway network. Both Queen Street Station and Central Station are within easy walking distance as well as numerous bus routes being nearby. The local area provides a choice of restaurants and coffee bars for occupiers, staff and visiting clients. The property is conveniently placed for shopping facilities offered in Buchanan Street, Argyle Street and Sauchiehall Street.
Offices - 495 sq ft
Toilet - 62 sq ft
TOTAL - 557 sq ft
Rateable Value :
The property is currently entered in the Valuation Roll with a Rateable Value of £5,800.
Under the Small Business Bonus Scheme, 100% relief would be available to qualifying tenants as the rateable value for the property is under £10,000.
Price / Rental :
Offers of £90,000 are invited for the property. A rental figure of £7,500 per annum is sought. The rent is subject to VAT.
An Energy Performance Certificate is available on request.
Lease Terms :
The property is available on a new full repairing and insuring lease on terms to be negotiated.
Legal Costs :
Each party will be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in connection with the transaction. The ingoing tenant will be responsible for any registration dues and Land & Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) incurred.