Ponderosa Park provides a high quality office and business environment with suites from as little as 87m² (936 sq ft) and an excellent surfaced communal car parking provision.
The complex offers significant flexibility and is arranged in 2, 3 and 4 storey modern uniquely styled buildings.
Ponderosa Park is situated on the outskirts of Heckmondwike town centre with immediate access off Smithies Lane, close to its junction with Station Lane. Smithies Lane leads up to the renowned visitor centre and farm, Ponderosa, which also benefits from high quality restaurant facilities.
The main A62 Leeds to Huddersfield Road is located less than one mile from Smithies Lane providing excellent access throughout north Kirklees/Heavy Woollen district. Junction 25, 26 and 27 of the M62 are all within a 6 mile radius and Junction 40 of the M1 is approximately 15 minutes to the east.
Ponderosa Park provides a combination of ground, first and second floor office/business units along with industrial/storage/commercial space at lower ground floor (with ground level access to the rear).
Current availability:-
Suite 5G- 87 sq m (940 sq ft) - Rent - £165 pwx
Suite 6F 87 sq m (936 sq ft) - Rent £150 pwx
Suite 7F - 84 sq m (910 sq ft) - Rent - £145 pwx
Suite 7S - 84 sq m (910 sq ft) - Rent - £145 pwx
Suite 9G - 86 sq m (931 sq ft) - Rent - £165 pwx
Suite 12F - 14F - 79-273 sq m (852-2,941 sq ft) - £23,020 pax
Suites/units available from 85m² (910 sq ft) up to 273m² (2,941 sq ft)
Services - Ponderosa Park benefits from all main services including gas, electric, sewer drainage and water in addition to individual appliances. However, no tests have been carried out on any of the aforementioned services and therefore we are unable to comment as to their condition or capacity.
Rating - We are verbally advised by Kirklees Metropolitan Council that some of the units have been assessed (as follows) but the remainder will need to be assessed upon occupation:-
Suite 4F £7,700
Suite 5G £7,100
Suite 11F £6,800
Suite 16F To be confirmed
The National Uniform Business Rate for 2023/24 is 49.9p in the £, ignoring transitional phasing relief and allowances to small businesses.
Prospective tenants should satisfy themselves with regard to all rating and planning matters direct with the Local Authority, Kirklees MC 01484 221000.
Energy Performance Certificate - An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) will be available upon request.
Terms/Rent - See adjacent accommodation/rent schedule with space available on flexible terms plus the site service charge.
VAT - All rents are quoted exclusive of VAT.
Legal Costs - The ingoing tenant to be responsible for the landlords reasonable legal costs.
- Good quality office/commercial units (all workshop units presently occupied)
- Substantial onsite parking within surfaced car park
- Occupation immediately available with flexible suite sizes and potentially suitable for variety of office/commercial/leisure uses (STP)