Extensive Frontage
Busy Shopping Precinct
Rear Loading
2,572sq ft
Rent: £15,XXX.a.x
Fixed Price: £135,000
The subjects are situated within Brandon Arcade which forms part of Motherwell Shopping Centre and are situated adjacent to a small terrace of shops which are occupied primarily by sole traders.
Motherwell is a North Lanarkshire town of some 32,000 persons situated approximately 15 miles to the south east of Glasgow City Centre.
Shopper access can be taken from Brandon Arcade whilst the southern/rear elevation of the accommodation fronts onto the busy, arterial maid road through Motherwell town centre (A 721) which also provides vehicular/goods delivery access to the subjects.
The subjects comprise a former Post Office counter facility with ancillary accommodation. The shopfront is formed by a mixture of facing brick and glazed panels surmounted by a large fascia signboard. There is a service access to the rear accessible via the main vehicular loading area for the main shopping parade.
In addition to the main public counter area, two offices, including a large safe, small public interview room, welfare/kitchen area first aid room and separate male and female toilet facilities are provided.
Space heating to the subjects is provided by a gas fired central heating system incorporating wall mounted radiators. Lighting is provided by way of fluorescent strips recessed within the suspended acoustic tile ceiling and air conditioning has been fitted within the subjects.
The property has been measured on a net internal area basis to extend to the following floor area;
Total: 238.95sqm (2,572sq ft)
The property has been assessed and entered onto the valuation roll with the following NAV/RV;
The property is available on a new full repairing and insuring head lease for a negotiable term for £15,XXX.a.x
Fixed price £135,000
Prices quoted are exclusive of V.A.T
Available on request
Each party shall bear their own legal costs incurred in the transaction
By appointment only