Prime Positioned Unit
Prominent Frontage
Class 2 Consent
1,071sq ft
Rates Discount
Freehold P.O.A.
The property is situated on the north side of Portobello High Street, West of its junction with Bath Street within a densely populated and well established retailing area. The property is located within the Edinburgh suburb of Portobello, approximately 2 miles North East of the City Centre, within close proximity to its traditional Town Centre. The locality is of a mixed commercial and residential nature and is surrounded by a relatively high concentration of retail units and residential housing and tenements. The property is situated upon an established retail parade, predominantly serving the local population and benefitting from a high degree of passing footfall and vehicular traffic. Surrounding occupiers include Semi-Chem, VPZ, Bank of Scotland and Baynes the Bakers
The property comprises a substantial ground floor commercial unit set within a larger 5 storey mixed use development of traditional construction surmounted by a pitched roof.
Offering an aluminium framed and glazed frontage, the premises benefits from ample display windows with access via a single door leading to an open retailing / office space with lighting provided by way of halogen spots and fluorescent strips recessed within the suspended acoustic tile ceiling.
Partitions have been erected to the rear of the property to form private meeting room, staff tea prep and w.c. facility.
The property has been calculated on a net internal area basis to extend to the following floor area;
Ground: 99.52sqm (1,071sq ft)
The property has been assessed and entered onto the valuation roll with the following NAV/RV;
We understand the property qualifies for rates discount under the small business bonus scheme. The incoming occupier will be able to submit a revaluation appeal.
The property currently benefits from Class 2 consent, the unit may lend itself to hot food consent, Subject to planning.
The property is available on a new full repairing and insuring head lease for a negotiable term for £25,XXXer annum
Our client would dispose fo their freehold interest, price on application
Figures quoted are exclusive of V.A.T.
Available on request
By appointment via the sole marketing agent.