Prime Main St Position
Centrally Located
On Street Parking
Ground & 1st Floor
Prominent Frontage
1,221sq ft
The property is situated on the west side of Main Street, south of its junction with Gardenside Avenue within the town of Uddingston.
Uddingston is an affluent town within South Lanarkshire with excellent transport links via junctions 4 and 5 from the M74 Motorway. The town benefits from nearby catchments areas including Hamilton, Bothwell, Birkenshaw and Bellshill.
Neighbouring occupiers include, Tinto Tapas, Golden Kitchen, Tunnocks Factory Shop, Fabio’s Hairdresser and The Tunnocks Factory.
The property comprises a ground and partial first floor mid-terrace commercial unit set within a larger 3 storey tenemental building surmounted by a mansard roof overlaid in tile.
The unit itself benefits from twin display windows, flanking an automated glass door entrance. Internally, the unit is formed with main banking hall, strong room to the rear of the unit which would benefit from reappropriating to w.c / storage / dry store. Partitions have been erected to form 2 no meeting rooms and w.c facilities at ground floor.
The first floor space is accessed by way of a single staircase to the rear of the demise leading to the staff break area with partitioned cloak and female w.c.
The property has been measured on a net internal area basis to extend to the following floor area;
Ground: 90.7sqm (977sq ft)
1st: 22.7sqm (244sq ft)
Total: 113.4sqm (1,221sq ft)
The property has been entered onto the valuation roll with the following NAV/RV
The property benefits from rates discount under the small business bonus scheme.
Our client is offering the property on a new full repairing and insuring head lease for a negotiable term for £22,XXXer annum
Figures quoted are exclusive of V.A.T
Available on request
Viewings and Further Information
Available by contacting the marketing agent