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31 Cowgate, Dundee, DD1 2JF

1,408 Sq Ft / Retail

Sold - Last updated: 11 June 2019

Prime Town Centre Retail Space

Prominent Corner Location

Return Frontage

Ground Floor & Basement

Rates Exempt

£14,XXXer annum

Price on Application




The property is located on the Eastern corner of Cowgate at its junction with Kirk Lane & St Andrews Street within Dundee’s town centre. 


Dundee is located on the East coast of Scotland approximately mid-way between Aberdeen to the North and Edinburgh to the South with a resident population of approximately 155,000 and an extended catchment of 235,000. Dundee is Scotland’s fourth largest city and is the regional centre for employment.


Neighbouring occupiers include Efe’s Cafe & Bistro, Wilkie’s, Farmfoods & Burton Menswear.




The property comprises an extensive ground floor and basement with return frontage set within a larger 4 storey sandstone tenemental building of traditional construction surmounted by a pitched roof overlaid in slate.


Benefitting from multiple display windows on Cowgate & St Andrews Street, the subjects offer extensive display space with access gained via Cowgate via twin timber glazed doors.


Internally, the subjects were previously utilised as a bridal wear store, floors have been overlaid in carpet, with lighting provided by way of halogen spots recessed within the suspended acoustic tile ceiling.


A single stair well leading to the basement, is accessed via a partition with timber door thereon. At basement level the subjects have been partitioned to form  dual large work rooms, w.c, staff area and tea prep facility.




The subjects have been measured on a Net Internal Area basis to extend to the following:


Ground: 65.07sqm (700sq ft)

Basement: 65.74sqm (707.6sq ft)


Total: 130.81sqm (1,408sq ft)




The subjects have been assessed and entered onto the valuation roll with the following NAV/RV






Our client is offering the subjects on a new Full Repairing and Insuring Lease for a negotiable term for £14,XXXer annum.


Offers are invited for their freehold interest




Prices quoted are exclusive of V.A.T




Available on request




By appointment via the marketing agent




Each party shall bear their own legal costs incurred in the transaction


LBTT & Registration Dues


The tenant shall be responsible for any LBTT and Registration Dues incurred in the transaction.

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