The subject comprises of a retail unit occupying the ground floor of a two storey, mid-terrace brick property, under a pitched slated roof.
Internally, the property comprises of a ground floor front shop, small storage cupboard and single WC compartment to the rear.
Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, has a population of circa 480,000 persons and benefits from a substantial catchment area. It
is a recognised financial centre and home of the Scottish Parliament, as well as being a popular tourist destination, particularly during
the peak summer months. The city is situated on the east coast of Scotland and has excellent transport links via road, rail and air.
The location benefits from being situated in a good local neighbourhood shopping parade known as Stenhouse Cross,
situated approximately 3 miles to the west of Edinburgh city centre, forming part of Stevenson Drive, the subjects themselves being in
the parade between Stevenson Drive itself and Stenhouse Drive to the west.
The premises have been measured in accordance with RICS Code of Measuring Practice - 6th Edition. The floor areas are approximately
as follows:
Total ITZA 53.77 sqm (579 sqft)
Total NIA 57.11 sqm (615 sqft)
Offers in the region of £100,000 exclusive of VAT are invited for the purchase of our Client’s heritable interest in the subjects.