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The Meads, , Farnborough, GU14 7SJ
186,716 Sq Ft / Retail
Withdrawn - Last updated: 21 July 2024
Summary Prime High Street Retail Investment Freehold For Sale
Investment Summary Farnborough is a highly affluent South East Town Strategically located between two shopping centres, generating significant footfall Direct train service to London Waterloo in 34 minutes 100% prime retailing location on the pedestrianised The Mead Long WAULT of 9.9 years to expiry and 9.6 to tenant break options (excluding the residential ground rents) A recently developed building providing well configured retailing space Secured to national multiple retailers with strong covenants Situated adjacent to a large development site, which will comprise further retail, leisure and residential space Prime freehold parade with some elements sold off a long leasehold
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