The subjects comprise the ground floor of a one and half storey former residential dwelling. The ground floor element has been converted to retail use and extended to the rear. The unit is a mix of construction from sandstone at the front to brick and block on the rear extensions.
Internally the unit is laid out to provide an open area. The unit does require full upgrading and refurbishment.
( Agency Pilot Software Ref: 50083 )
Rosneath is a small town located some 13 miles from Helensburgh on the Kilcreggan peninsula. The nearby MOD bases of Coulpourt and Faslane provide the main employment in the area, although there is a large number of tourist visitors to the general area. The store is located in the centre of the town and benefits from on street parking to the front and servicing to the side and rear.
Net Internal Area: 99.96sqm (1,076sqft)
RATING The premises will require to be separately assessed to provide a Rateable Value. It should be noted any rating assessment will likely be at a level which would allow an occupier to qualify for 100% rates relief from the Governments Small Business Bonus Scheme.
EPC An EPC report has been prepared for the property and is available upon request.
LEGAL COSTS Each party will bear their own legal costs in any transaction, however for the avoidance of doubt the purchaser shall be liable for LBTT, Extract Copies and VAT thereon.
• Freehold Opportunity
• Suitable for a variety of uses
• Refurbishment opportunity
• Located in the heart of the community.