The unit is on the ground floor of a 3 storey stone terrace under a pitched timber and slate roof.Residential accommodation is adjacent and above the shop.
Kirkintilloch is an affluent suburb of Glasgow lying 9 miles to the north east and falls within the East Dunbartonshire Area.
Known as ‘The Canal Capital of Scotland’, Kirkintilloch benefits from a wide range of services and facilities with regular transport links via road and rail with Lenzie Train Station being located only 1.5 miles away.
The nearby area is predominantly traditional flatted dwellings with commercial operators located at ground floor level. Commercial occupiers include a range of national and local businesses.
Ground Floor sales area 431 sq ft 40.04 sq m.
TERMS - Our clients are seeking offers in excess of £50,000 for the feuhold. Our clients may consider entering into a new lease for a term to be negotiated.
RATING - We are advised the current rateable value is £4,700.The shop will therefore qualify for rates relief.
EPC - A copy of the full documentation is available on request.
LEGAL COSTS - Each party shall be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction with the ingoing tenant being responsible for Land & Building Transaction Tax, registration dues and VAT incurred thereon.
VAT - All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT.