The property comprises a two storey end terrace shop unit which is currently trading as a pizza take-away.
The property is situated in the heart of Shiregreen which is a densely populated suburb of Sheffield where the city centre lies approximately 5 miles to the south west.
Nearby occupiers include the Co-Op, Rowlands Pharmacy, and Premier along with a variety of other established retail and takeaway businesses.
The property comprises the following net internal floor areas:
Ground Floor - 505 sq ft (46.93 sq m)
First Floor - 291 sq ft (27.03 sq m)
Total - 796 sq ft (73.96 sq m)
TENANCY - The entire property is let to Eiman Haydari on a Full Repairing and Insuring lease for term of 15 years from 20th April 2020 at a commencing rent of £12,000 per annum which is subject to review every four years on an upwards only basis, the next being 27th April 2024.
BUSINESS RATES - It is understood that the premises have the following Rating Assessment:
Description Shop & Premises
RV £4,050
Interested parties are advised to make their own enquires with the Local Rating Authority to verify this information and confirm the Rates Payable.
TENURE - The property is held long leasehold for term of 200 years from 25th March 1932 at a ground rent of £12.50 pa.
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE (EPC) - The premises have an Energy Performance Asset Rating of D 84. A copy of the EPC and associated report are available on request from the agents.
TERMS - Offers are being sort in the region of £149,500 for the long leasehold interest. A purchase at this level reflects an attractive yield of 8% gross.
COSTS - Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in the transaction.
VAT - All prices, premiums and rents etc. are quoted exclusive of VAT at the prevailing rate.