The property is located in the east side of Kilmarnock Road lying between the junctions of Millwood Street and Regwood Street. The property occupies a prominent position within a long established secondary retailing area which is particularly popular with estate agents, office users and local traders. Occupiers in the immediate vicinity include Allen & Harris, Slater Hogg, DM Hall, Rettie, Corum, Dominos and Figos to name but a few.
The property comprises of a retail unit within the ground floor of a 4 storey grey sandstone tenement building with a pitched and tiled roof.
From our measured inspection we can confirm that the property extends to the following areas and dimensions:
Gross frontage: 25’ 7” (7.79m)
Net frontage: 20’ 8” (6.29m)
NIA: 741sq2 (68.8m2)
The property is entered in the valuation roll as follows:
Description: Shop
Valuation (20/21): £19,100
We understand the property benefits from Class 2 consent. Interested parties should make their own enquiries with the Local Planning Authority.
The property is available on a new long term full repairing and insuring lease for a period to be agreed to incorporate regular upward only rent reviews.
Offers in excess of £21,750 per annum exc. are invited.
Energy Performance Certificate
The property has an EPC rating of ‘F’.
All rents etc are quoted exclusive of VAT which will be charged at the prevailing rates.
Legal Costs
Each party to be responsible for their own legal costs, with the ingoing tenant being responsible for all registration fees etc.
Entry can be provided upon completion of legal formalities.
Strictly by appointment.