The premises comprise a multi windowed retail unit arranged over the ground, first and second floors of a concrete frame building under a flat felt roof.
Airdrie is a town in North Lanarkshire that is located approximately 11 miles to the east of Glasgow and has a population in the region of 38,000 people.
The subject premises are located in a 100% prime position on the edge of the pedestrianised section on the north side of Graham Street, which is the main retail thoroughfare for the town.
Nearby occupiers include Costa, Specsavers, Boots, VPZ, WH Smiths, Greggs and Vodafone.
The main dimensions and net internal areas are as follows:
Gross Frontage - 38 ft 5 ins (11.71 m)
Net Frontage - 35 ft 2 ins (10.72 m)
Net Return - 8 ft 10 ins (2.69 m)
Ground floor - 2,392 sqft (222.22 sqm)
First Floor - 2,375 sqft (220.64 sqm)
Second Floor - 2,518 sqft (233.92 sqm)
RATING - We are verbally advised by the local Assessors department that the subjects are entered in the Valuation Roll as follows:
Rateable Value £27,000
Commercial Rate Poundage £0.498
(exclusive of water and sewerage rates)
PLANNING - The premises currently benefit from Class 1A (Retail) consent and are suitable for retail, office or coffee shop premises. The premises may also be suitable for restaurant or leisure uses and interested parties can make their own enquiries with the Planning Department at North Lanarkshire Council.
RENT - Offers in excess of £40,000 per annum exclusive are invited.
LEASE TERMS - The premises are available on the basis of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a minimum of 10 years and would be subject to 5 yearly upward only rent reviews.
LEGAL COSTS - Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in connection with this transaction with the ingoing tenant to be responsible for Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) and registration fees.
ENTRY - By Agreement. Subject to vacant possession.
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE - Further details available upon request.