Comprising of an established Town Centre Amusement Arcade and adjacent to a Ladies Hairdressing Salon and Pharmacy and situated within a short distance of the Prince’s Hall and Magistrates Court.
The property is situated on the south side of High Street midway between the junctions of Short Street and Grosvenor Street and being directly opposite the Princes Gardens and adjoining Public Car Park. The property is located two doors from Weatherspoons and close to the Westgate Development.
Gross Frontage - 14’ 7” (4.41 mts)
Nett Frontage - 12’ 6” (3.81 mts)
Retail Area - 783 sq ft (72.7 sq mts)
Kitchen - 81 sq ft (7.6 sq mts)
Staff Room - 81 sq ft (7.7 sq mts)
Total Floor Area - 945 sq ft (88 sq mts.)
AMENITIES: Electric Shutter to Front WC facility
LEASE: The property is offered by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term by arrangement and subject to upward only open market rent reviews at 3 yearly intervals.
RENT: £16,000 per annum exclusive of rates, buildings insurance, service charges and if applicable VAT.
RATES: Rateable value £10,250 current commercial rate XXX - approx. rates payable 2020/21 - £5,114.
LEGAL COSTS: Each party is to be responsible for their own legal and surveyors costs incurred in the transaction.