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Modern Purpose Built Retail Premises, 34 Carrick Street, Ayr, KA7 1NS

553 Sq Ft / Retail / General Retail

To Let - £19,500.00 per annum

Unconfirmed - Last updated: 27 January 2025

Ground floor purpose built open plan retail premises with the benefit of a modern aluminium framed display window with matching door and corner display  frontage. Presently utilised as ladies outfitters with 2 changing cubicles, separate rear staff/store and staff toilet.


The property enjoys the benefit of a prominent central commercial location within the pedestrianised Carrick Street shopping precinct opposite the side entrance to the Kyle Centre and within 100 yards or so of High Street. Adjacent occupiers include Argos and Stephen Rowe Opticians and the property currently attracts a high proportion of passing trade.


Open plan sales area with excellent frontage.

Store/staff/toilet accommodation.

Total internal area approx. 51.36 sq. m. (553 sq. ft.).

SERVICES - Mains drainage, water and electricity supplies are laid on to the property. Heating is provided by electric plug in heaters. 


BURDENS - 2012/13 Valuation Roll – Rateable Value £18,000. Current rate poundage is 0.45p exclusive of water and waste water charges.

Under the Small Business Bonus Scheme this property offers the prospect of 25% rating relief. More details on request. 

TERMS - Our clients are seeking to lease the accommodation for a flexible period of time to suit specific commercial requirements. Any new lease agreement  will be framed on a full repairing and insuring basis and each party will bear their own legal costs associated with the transaction.

PRICE - Offers in excess of £19,500 p.a. are invited.

VAT - The rent quoted is exclusive of VAT and intending tenants must satisfy themselves as to the incidence of VAT on this particular transaction.  


  • Attractive, well appointed retail premises
  • Open plan sales area, rear staff/toilet facilities
  • Excellent central location–high footfall
  • Pedestrianised precinct adjacent Kyle Centre
  • Total internal area approx. 51.36 m² (553 ft²)

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Offers in excess of To Let £19,500.00 per annum

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Hannah Lowe


0141 538 0152

Pete Leburn


0141 538 0252

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